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Monday, September 12, 2016

Kalbarri National Park - Murchison River

The road to Kalbarri was a sign of things to come.  Some interesting grevilleas and banksias, and other flowering shrubs.

'The' thing to see at Kalbarri National Park is Nature's Window.  We had worked out that late afternoon sun would make it look its best, but that didn't fit with the longer hike we wanted to do, so here is an early morning view.

We thought the view from an overhang a little further along the path was actually nicer.

The loop walk we did followed the cliff line in the distance to the end and then descended down the river to loop back around.

There were plenty of flowers so the 8kms took us almost 5 hours!

About one third of the way through the track descended to the river and followed the rock ledges along.

Although the rocks themselves were mostly brown and cream, reflected sunlight at particular angles made them glow.

We climbed up a little side gorge/canyon/dry waterfall and found lots of cool patterns in the rocks.

Once we rounded the rock ledges the path continued along the sandy riverbank.

The final part was a climb back up to nature's window.  Coincidentally Mum and Dad had just arrived there and are in this photo!

The angle of the sun was a little better by mid afternoon to look back up the river.

We then drove around to the Z Bend lookout.