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Thursday, April 11, 2019

It's been too long!

When I opened the blog to do a new post the last entry was 'The Great Ocean Road at its best'. It's not quite at it's best today... but I'll get to that shortly...

We had no travel plans last year (it was the 'year of the retaining wall' and other landscaping projects) and this year is turning out to be busy with work, but we had promised Ellie a driving holiday to get hours while on her Learners' permit. With the timing of assignment marking, we had to leave home two and a half weeks before the school holidays, drive for a few days, and then stop and work.

We started off with a few nights at Mum and Dad's. We missed this particular storm, but it gave a nice display.

Our night at Texas was uneventful and uninspiringly brown. 

We worked all morning and then drove to Bingara, and enjoyed eating dinner by the river.

A few bigger driving days got us to Lake Cargelligo, where we spent six solid days working. We did have a couple of walks along the lake, but mostly we just saw glimpses of it through the window when we looked up from our computers.

Our 'day off' was spent driving to Mathoura, via Hay. There's something appealing about the wide open spaces.

We had a lovely little camp spot on the creek and spent the next few days working.

After quick visits with some of the family we picked up Ellie from the airport in Melbourne and headed for Port Campbell.

After we arrived the weather turned cold, wet and windy, so it was a good opportunity to start on the driving practice... visiting cheese, chocolate, ice cream and fudge factories! This is now my view for our day trips.

Cloudy weather is good for forest photos, so we went to the Otway National Park yesterday.

This morning has been overcast, so there hasn't been a rush to get out to see the coastline. It's been a good chance to catch up on photos and work. The clouds are starting to clear, though, so hopefully there'll be some more photos of the Great Ocean Road at it's best over the next few days!